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(Auf Englisch)


News | The National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI) launched by Brazil’s Ministry of Economy


The National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI) was launched by Brazil’s Ministry of Economy on December 11, 2020. The launch took place during the event that marks the 50th anniversary of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

With 120 pages, the ENPI document presents a review of Brazil’s current Intellectual Property scenario and considers it ineffective. Among the problems pointed out are low indicators of innovation, reduced commercialization of Intellectual Property assets and high counterfeit and piracy levels.

Valid for 10 years, the initiative establishes 210 actions involving issues such as innovation, registration of patents and trademarks, technology transfer, creation of computer programs, among others. The ENPI’s measures include the development of credit lines and tax benefits for companies to invest in innovation, the review of technology transfer standards, the strengthening of governance bodies to increase compliance with legislation, the incentive for Intellectual Property specialization within the Brazilian Judiciary system, encouraging the transfer of Intellectual Property rights between public scientific institutions and small and medium-sized companies, creating public campaigns on the consequences of counterfeit and piracy and national events to discuss the topic, the elaboration of a specific Intellectual Property policy for the health area and the creation of a corresponding website, the inclusion of a mandatory Intellectual Property subject in undergraduate courses in Law AND Exact Sciences, to be optional in all other courses, and training agents in regions such as the Amazon on topics like green patents and collective brands.

Click here for more (in Portuguese).



