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Article | Fashion Law: how to protect the creations of fashion


One of the main discussions of Fashion Law are the copies and the need or not to protect the creations of fashion. There is among Fashion Law professionals and scholars the understanding that both inspiration and repetition of ideas are part of the cycle of fashion, and responsible for the creation of trends. On the other hand, there is the perception that too many repetitions and inspirations diminish the incentive to creativity, impairing creators and the industry as a whole.

In Brazil, fashion creations are still not protected by law. Alternatively, trade dress and unfair competition are the most used mechanisms in the protection of these creations. This debate was the subject of the article “Fashion Law: how to protect fashion”, written by Mina Kaway, associated attorney at the law firm Bhering Advogados.

The article was published in January 21, 2013, in the newspaper Diário Catarinense. Click here to download a copy of the article.

Fonte: Diário Catarinense




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