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News | BHERING ADVOGADOS’ Anti-Counterfeiting Department present at seizure operation of counterfeit products in Brás, São Paulo


On September 2, 2019, Bhering Advogados accompanied officers of the Brazilian Federal Revenue and the Police Department in a large search and seizure operation of counterfeit products at a shopping mall in the São Paulo district of Brás.

The federal authority reports that the mall’s stores are suppliers of counterfeit goods to street vendors in municipalities throughout the country, in addition to retail sales in the city. With the operation, authorities expect to remove from the irregular market about one thousand tons of goods, valued at R$ 500 million (U$125 million), mostly in footwear and clothing.

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Our Anti-Counterfeiting Department works closely with the police and government officials in São Paulo to stay on top of the commerce of counterfeit goods




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