

Our team is formed by lawyers and trademark administrators with great experience in all aspects of national and international trademark legislation. While continuously evolving, we seek legal instruments capable of solving crucial cases in a practical and commercially feasible manner. As an example, we try to establish the potential of distinctiveness of a mark compared to other prior ones, with the purpose of advising the client on possible reductions in the legal costs of the protection.

The vast experience includes legal advice in commercial issues related to the protection of marks, such as promotional dissemination, the likelihood of confusion generated by similar packaging, and the use of the marks in the consumers’ relations. Sometimes it is also possible to enhance trademark protection by means of copyright protection, claims of unfair competition and advertising self-regulation (CONAR), among others.

We handle thousands of trademark applications and registrations filed in Brazil and abroad. Our clients are of various sizes and origins, ranging from international sports entities and companies of the automotive industry to service companies in the field of clothing, food, telecommunications, computers, entertainment and others.

With our watching service, we are able to continuously monitor the issues of the Official Gazette published by the Brazilian PTO. Thus, we inform our clients about the publication of potentially conflicting marks and, whenever authorized, we take the applicable measures to prevent registration of the same. If necessary, we can also monitor the media for the undue use of marks, as well as the publication of conflicting marks in other countries.

Selo Trademark Firm of the Year 2023 Selo Trademark Firm of the Year 2024

Bhering is a responsive, reliable and commercial partner for trademark filing, prosecution and enforcement.

(WTR 1000, 2022 edition)

We appreciate their in-depth knowledge not only of the Brazilian trade mark system but also of international IP principles and the European system.

(Chambers Brazil, 2021 edition)

A strong outfit in prosecution and in disputes.

(WTR 1000, 2021 edition)

The firm is committed to superior client service and to really getting to know its clients’ commercial objectives and business approaches. For me, it is without doubt the go-to firm in Brazil and I will trust the team with any IP matter, knowing it is in the best hands.

(WTR 1000, 2020 edition)

Bhering is a magnificent firm – extremely responsive, pragmatic, proactive and client-oriented, thinking outside the box and providing creative solutions when needed.

(WTR 1000, 2020 edition)

Reliable, thoughtful, resourceful and quite reasonable in terms of pricing, Bhering is Brazil’s best hidden secret when it comes to intellectual property.

(WTR 1000, 2020 edition)

Efficient and responsive, Bhering is on top of all issues at all times. You can have absolute confidence in it.

(WTR 1000, 2019 edition)

Bhering provides a gilt-edged and personalised service to multinational corporations.

(WTR 1000, 2018 edition)

It is a go-to firm in Brazil because of its prompt and professional service, its thoroughness and practical approach, and its cost effectiveness.

(WTR 1000, 2017 edition)

It is excellent across all trademark areas and great at achieving results under difficult circumstances.

(WTR 1000, 2017 edition)

They are highly qualified in trade mark law matters, searching for solutions that best fit the

(Chambers Latin America, 2015 edition)

The firm has been estabilished for many years, is highly specialised and has and exceptionally well-prepared team. I would rate it triple A for trade marks.

(Chambers Latin America, 2013 edition)