Entertainment and Advertising Law

Our firm has large experience offering legal services to companies in the field of advertising and entertainment. Those areas involve particular issues of intellectual property and royalties, thus requiring specific knowledge related to the protection of image rights (right of puclicity), copyright and other intellectual assets.

In the field of advertising, we provide counseling to agencies and advertisers interested in promoting products and services by means of lotteries, contests or other types involving the luck factor. We have expertise in the elaboration of rules for promotions and the verification of advertisements in accordance with rules for the free distribution of prizes, with the consumers’ and children defense legislation, among others. We are also familiar with the procedures of the Advertising Self-Regulation Council (CONAR).

We represent clients in negotiations for the acquisition and production of literary works, photographs, songs and musical compositions, films, television programs and videos, making sure that the connected rights are duly established and safeguarded. Our professionals provide legal assistance to famous artists, interpreters, performers, sports associations, movie and recording studios. Our continuous updates enable us to an approach to new business models, emerging technologies and regulation tendencies.